Hammers in pianos are extremely durable. They do, however, deteriorate over time. At some point they may need replacing. When this is needed, it is good to select a technician who knows how to do this procedure well. First it … Continue reading
Category Archives: Interesting Piano Points
When Do I Need to Replace Hammers In My Upright Piano?
Cracking in Piano Soundboards
Some piano owners have been dismayed to learn from their piano technician that their piano has a crack in the soundboard. While this may sound disconcerting, it does not automatically mean that the piano has to be rebuilt or replaced. … Continue reading
Is there something I can do to increase the repitition rate of my upright piano?
Yes there is. First make sure that the action is regulated as well as it can be. Then have your technician look at replacing the jack spirngs. Here is a video of what I mean: http://youtu.be/xsjtZmg9StU
Cracked Soundboards–Good Reasons to install a Piano Life Saver
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This is a picture of a 30 yr old Kawai grand piano that has developed a several cracks in the soundboard mainly due to dryness. Interestingly, it is located in a penthouse suite with full climate control yet this still … Continue reading
Sticker inside piano showing the “latest” in piano construction
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Grand Hammer Replacement
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Upkeep of your smaller piano
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Why install new casters?
What is a grand piano regulation?
Please see our video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycKjq6YnLoI